
ThelatestversionoftheprogramisavailableintheEnglishlanguageandkeepsyourPCprotectedagainstarangeofonlineviruses.Withgoodcustomersupport ...,Baidu.Size,1.94MB.Downloads,536,189.Date,Jul9,2015.Filetype,EXE.SHA256,14d83afccb79d8797a238573bb917dfa64bff98eea50707c16148e3e19f2907e.Whyis ...,BaiduAntivirus2015isanaward-winning,permanentlyfreeantiviruscloud-basedsecuritysolutionthatdelivers5layersofdef...

Baidu Antivirus

The latest version of the program is available in the English language and keeps your PC protected against a range of online viruses. With good customer support ...

Download Baidu Antivirus for Windows

Baidu. Size, 1.94 MB. Downloads, 536,189. Date, Jul 9, 2015. File type, EXE. SHA256, 14d83afccb79d8797a238573bb917dfa64bff98eea50707c16148e3e19f2907e. Why is ...

Baidu Antivirus 5.0 Download (Free)

Baidu Antivirus 2015 is an award-winning, permanently free antivirus cloud-based security solution that delivers 5 layers of defense against all of today's ...

Baidu Antivirus 4.4 Download (Free)

2024年2月12日 — Baidu Antivirus 2014 is an award-winning, permanently free antivirus cloud-based security solution that delivers 5 layers of defense against ...

Baidu Antivirus (free) download Windows version

2023年5月20日 — Baidu Antivirus is a permanently free and easy-to-use cloud security solution with a built-in cloud engine, USB protection, download protection, ...

如何卸载Baidu protect exe

2014年12月17日 — 一个带有baidu protect . exe 的Windows系统(以xp系统为例). 方法/步骤. 1/3 分步阅读. 打开“开始”菜单,找到“搜索”。 选择“文件或文件夹”.

baidu.exe Windows process

There is no information about the author of the file. Baidu.exe is able to monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 65% dangerous.


不是什么好东西! 它可以连接到特定mIRC服务器,接受远程控制。可能结束某些特定进程!它主要是盗取游戏帐号!还可能向局域网每台机器发送数据包,会阻塞局域网的正常 ...

如何卸载Baidu protect exe

具体方法如下:1、这个进程,用杀毒软件,和任务管理器都找得出来;2、打开电脑,在右上角输入“uninst.exe”.3、找到图中的“uninst.exe”;4、点击“卸载”,后面就顺其自然了; ...


baiduprotect.exe是百度安全服务程序,不是百度卫士的进程。您是否安装了百度其他软件?百度其他软件会有这个保护程序。目录在C盘-program files-common files-baidu ...